Apr 27Liked by TC Luoma


Looking into the abyss, one always wonders what horrors you will see, possibly yourself? Thought provoking, the dichotomy is stark, and appreciated, given many of today's issues.

Something to ponder this weekend, hope your vacation was refreshing and revitalizing.

Take care.

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Apr 26Liked by TC Luoma

Enjoyed the article TC. Also thanks for the “Walmart jockey…” jokes, a month ago. I had surgery (lots of ab insult) and needed a chuckle but I had to actually take it in tiny doses for fear of too much ab contraction. I look forward to your thoughts in general and this one on Haber allowed more threads to be woven into your stories. Taking on the complexity of humans reflects a compassionate reality, more difficult but worthy. Thanks TC. Your Surrey BC fan.

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Thanks! Your note is actually a good lead-in to tomorrow's article.

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