Jul 16Liked by TC Luoma

YES!!!!! Bubbies is the best! Well, only, in my store, of refrigerated saeiourkrouts. It doesn’t have that super dank flavor you get with restaurant kraut or canned. I definitely suggest it for beginners because it’s… mild, if that’s a thing. I drink the juice. 😄 I ingest my kefir with oatmeal (cold prep), and avocado smoothie. I was so worried you were going to tell me something I didn’t want to know, but my habits are still secure!! 😅

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"I was so worried you were going to tell me something I didn't want to know..." Ain't that the truth? Man, guys like me are often colossal party poops. I apologize on behalf of my ilk and vow to be less of a scold.

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Jun 18Liked by TC Luoma


My thoughts on the entire history of those who keep on pushing this crap on the unknowing public is not as strong as let's say cult leaders, but it's damn close. :P

Thank you as always, for making the clear, even clearer.

Take care.

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My pleasure.

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