Aug 3Liked by TC Luoma


You hit it on the head, this coming from the "Dinosaur" lefty that is still considered too masculine...or "old school" according to my kids, and those of younger "ilk". **raspberry**

I was brought up a certain way, and yes I'm a "baby boomer" (trying to set a record for quotation marks here), my dad was my hero (WW2 actual hero) and a mom who taught public school for 40+ years was literally a saint. Both lived through the Great Depression on farms, and are the quintessential "greatest generation", so their influence permeates throughout my life.

I'll go out on a limb here and say a great many things about the "new woke" disturb me...greatly. The idea that ANYONE is having kids mess with their hormones or actual surgery before the age of 18 because of issues related to "identity" is not only ridiculous, but isn't backed up by anything but their own opinions, look at the suicide rates for ****'s sake.

While we're at it, going to go WAY out there, and just say biological males competing against biological females is unfair, there is SCIENCE to back this up, but that doesn't seem to make a difference in todays society. Now there is the VERY rare biological female that does produce inordinate amounts of testosterone, for various reasons, I'm not even sure that is fair honestly, but that is at least debatable.

Did I say I open doors for ladies and pull out their chairs, I know, I get abuse for it, and I'm not stopping, so there. **another raspberry** Common sense used to be a thing, I guess that thing went the way of the dinosaur...I resemble that remark.

As always, thank you, have a great weekend and take care.

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That biological male/female is a tough issue. There are XXX females, XYY males, and there are, if memory serves, an additional 16 or so genes that determine sexuality, thus allowing for a pretty broad spectrum. I've wanted to write about it for a while. Not that I have any answers or anything; it's just interesting.

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Aug 2Liked by TC Luoma

Thanks for this great article, I heartily agree to everything - and especially enjoyed the religios jokes as a religious person 😇

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Thanks much! I've been holding my breath for a couple of hours, waiting for someone to either curse me or praise me. Thanks for the latter!

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Aug 4Liked by TC Luoma

Tip: When one uses the word "racist" to describe another person with whom they disagree politically/culturally remember to spell it correctly -- racccccisssst. You gotta get the [i]hiss[/i] in there in order to accentuate one's disdain.

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I'm catching a hint of disdain in your message! Hey, maybe DeSantis isn't a racist, but many of his actions suggest otherwise. Redrawing districts and cutting out two districts to prevent blacks from having representation, suggesting that slavery wasn't so bad because it taught blacks skills. Maybe I should have just quoted Andrew Gollum: "He might not be a racists, but racists think he's racist. But if I read you wrong, ignore this whole comment! As always, thanks!

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Redistricting in FL is done by the legislature.

Redistricting period is a practice that has been employed since 1789 to aid political parties and the following groups use it to the best of their ability:



Reverse racists

Reverse reverse racists








and more

The slavery wasn't so bad comment is one of those Charlottesville "fine people on both sides" comments that got bastardized and twisted into a wet pretzel of veracity.

Andrew Gillum? One of if not the most disgraced politicians in FL history? You might as well've quoted a drunk Fred Flintstone stumbling out of a whorehouse with no clothes on.

There's gotta be a self-help group out there somewhere for folks looking to break their MSNBC addiction.

(Still love ya, man)

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The Florida redistricting is either approved or vetoed by the gov. in 2022, population growth brought the state's delegation to 28. Republicans in the Senate enacted a map that was initially anticipated to hold Republicans at 16 of those seats. DeSantis vetoed it and insisted that it was unconstitutional because it still preserved a Jacksonville-based district where black voters would have remained a substantial majority. The legislatures bowed to his demands and passed the current map that resulted in Republicans winning 20 out of 28 seats. That's why nearly every media outlet, including the court where lawsuits have been filed, are calling it the "DeSantis map."

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"The legislatures bowed to his demands"

So we agree: "redistricting in FL is done by the legislature" (and approved by the executive).

That's pretty much how it's done all over this Great Land at the federal and state levels.

In this instance a Jacksonville-based district where black voters remained a substantial majority got that way by the actions of a former FL legislator and governor. Sounds racisssssst to me.

Or does "racism" only apply in one direction? Which is unarguably the "woke" narrative fer shor.

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Aug 4Liked by TC Luoma

Well the HTML code shit didn't work but carry on...

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Aug 3Liked by TC Luoma

One of the things in film and many Netflix/Amazon Prime series that drives me crazy is the revisionist history with respect to race and gender. The History Channel series Vikings, hardly a source of complete historical accuracy anyway, started changing the race and gender of established Norse historical figures. That was it for me. I checked out of the series. Just yesterday, there was a post on FB showing recreated images of historical Roman figures. Someone complained about the level of "whiteness," implying that ancient Romans and Greeks were not Caucasians................... What????

On the other side of it, as a lifelong Lutheran, I can easily reject the notion of "Aryan Christ" as he was often depicted in the many Lutheran churches I grew up in. Christ was a Semitic Jew. Get over it!!!

I also cannot believe how long Hollywood persisted in using white actors to portray Asians and Native Americans in film. Even the classic "Breakfast at Tiffany's" had Mickey Rooney playing an irritable Japanese neighbor!!

At least John Ford's cavalry trilogy featuring John Wayne, made some effort to use actual Native Americans!! And the original "Imitation of Life," from 1934, starring Claudette Colbert, Louise Beavers, and Fredi Washington, was groundbreaking. The remake with Lana Turner actually backslid somewhat.

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I forgot about that Mickey Rooney role! Man, that WAS bad!

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I couldn't agree with this more, and had to contain a number of autonomic fist pumps while reading it.

I've often said that I'm sort of a "Bill Maher" liberal, an assertion I question a little more these days given some of his recent adulatory remarks ("you're right about almost everything...") to dickbag Elon Musk, a growing anti-woke (of both types, sadly) tumor; nevertheless, I've largely aligned with his classic woke support, and new woke critiques.

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I love new woke in small doses. 😂 but only as a perspective spotlight. We need to test the boundaries of the direction we’re headed. A little bit of counterweight to the insanity of crocodiles along the border wall. In comedy we trust. Watch drunk history. It’s beautiful. An honest to goodness historical piece? Keep it accurate, but perhaps consider doing a piece with historical color if you think color needs representation. I try to remember how hard change is for humans when pulling my side of the rope. Was a time when men were condemned as failures by their peers and even other women if they didn’t beat the undesirable traits out of their wives.

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