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Liked the re-do, everyone is different, the whole "different strokes for different folks" certainly applies to happiness, contentment, etc., IMO. My wife and I are from VASTLY different cultures (White Midwestern farm family compared to Carribean fishing family), religion (raised Lutheran but am agnostic at best mostly atheist, compared to something I would describe as island witchcraft).

>I am NOT kidding<

How 2 completely different people met, married, had kids (and grandkids) and found happiness is something that would encompass a book, for real. We've been happy for decades, I consider myself the luckiest man alive, I sh*t you not. Has there been challenges, downfalls, tragedy and the like...of course, but thus is life.

Being passionate about something, learning something you're interested in, whatever it is that peaks your interest, invigorates you, motivates you...whatever floats your boat, go do it...seems simple enough. Right?

Fantastic fall day here in Minnesota, going out on the pontoon and putter around the lake, and think of our coming trip to Belize, and scuba diving in the best place on earth to do it...talk about happy.

Have a great weekend, take care.

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