Also, on a long car trip, I’m probably going to have some chicky nugs from McDonald’s. Most convenient travel food.

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The term I learned long ago from someone somewhere was potato chip vegan.

I spent a year and a half as a vegan (whole food not potato chip), doing everything right, and found it exhausting, stressful, and monotonous.

I spent two years being a pescatarian, which wasn’t stressful. Got monotonous eventually.

I didn’t eat pork or red meat for nearly 25 years. When I did start eating red meat, it was only once or maybe twice a month. Variety basically. And free range when I can afford it.

Now, I eat mostly red meat. Ever since I had Covid last. At first I had cravings, then strong desire, until I finally burned out on it for a week. Now, the general desire is back. And I’m trying to listen to my body.

The one constant is trying to avoid processed foods. Which is why I think my panels have looked good through all of these stages. Not that I’m a saint at avoiding them.

I try not to think of lives lost (a cow’s life provides more food than a chicken’s life) or the environmental costs. Of course, I support sustainable farming and free range and best practices, and there are many improvements that should be made.

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Well, you don't need me to tell you that you're way ahead of the game just by avoiding/keeping-them-to-a-minimum (e.g. chicken McNuggets) processed foods.

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May 26Liked by TC Luoma


Back from Belize, getting caught up on everything, and now you're going to have the villagers (Vegans) donning their pitchforks after Frankenstein (you-TC), I mean, give a guy notice or something before starting a cultural war. (I kid, I kid)

Always hitting that brass ring brother, always appreciated.

Take care.

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"I also believe that climate change is the most important issue of the day"

There are other far more important issues of the day like whether or not sheep casings are used to house hot dogs during their journey to the center of your intestinal earth.

Puleezzz don't join this cult. Take that nekkid Greta Thunberg poster off your bedroom ceiling and return to the Land of the Non-lost. I implore you, even to the point of invoking the spirit of the Atomic Rational Dog.

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I shouldn't have said "believe," because you can't have a productive discussion with someone who has beliefs. I should have said, "Based on what I've read and seen, climate change appears to be the most important issue of the day." Also, keep in mind that I view this from the perspective of a biology-type person. I know some shit, shit that doesn't get reported, that might scare the shit out of the average person.

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Jun 19Liked by TC Luoma

Is this one of those deals where if you tell me you'd have to kill me?

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Oh man, I don't want to get into a whole thing. Don't have the energy to debate these things. I will say, though, that I'm worried about phytoplankton, which are responsible for generating half the oxygen we breathe. As water temperatures increase, however, there's a danger of them flipping from oxygen generators to oxygen users, which would be bad news. There's also the danger of them flat out dying. Other stuff I'm worried about too.

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