Jun 28Liked by TC Luoma

California Olive Ranch is the one to buy. I've seen other reviewers give it the thumbs up and we've been buying it for years. We go through a bottle every 2 weeks and it's available nearly everywhere

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It’s been a while since I shopped at the Pig!

We buy California Olive Ranch at Publix. The jars are dark, and one of their offers is 100% California.

Olive oil counterfeiting has been around since Ancient Rome. They were certifying and cheating 2000 years ago. And I’ve heard the mafia makes more off counterfeit olive oil than drug sales.

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Actually, I've never had the pleasure of shopping at the Pig. I simply defer to it for comic effect. Didn't know that Ancient Romans had done it; I could have used that in the article!

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Jun 29Liked by TC Luoma


Thank you for the heads up, something I had taken for granted since...yeah-yeah, I know, I'm a dinosaur.

Take care.

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Dinosaur? I prefer to think of you as an elegantly aging mastodon; something from the Pleistocene instead of the way-way-back Mesozoic.

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Jun 28Liked by TC Luoma

I have a friend who has relatives who own an Olive Oil vineyard in Umbria in Italy.

He swears we are better off using Margarine here in the USA instead of Olive Oil as he says Olive Oil here is all compromised in 1 way or another.

I guess we need to be walking distance to where Olive Oil gets pressed.

Interesting comment about the food chain here that you made.

Being healthy is hard work in the States.

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Wow. That's nice to hear some confirmation from an inside source. Thanks!

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